
Eternal Love Blooms: Industrial District Mayhem

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Valeri looked around in surprise when she heard the squealing of the tires as they ground to a halt. “What…why are we stopping?”

The group looked out the windows.

“The District is right up ahead, why did we…?”

A sudden explosion caused them to cry out in surprise as it rocked the Trailmon.

“It looks like the District is under attack!”

Michael and Nicoli quickly gathered their belongings and Partners before hurrying towards the exit. Serena and Biyomon followed after.

“Should we go, too?”

“Yeah, no good staying here.”

The pair made their way off the Trailmon in pursuit of the other Tamers.

Tremors from the falling buildings rattled the ground, making it more difficult to keep their footing.

A large mass of Digimon were pouring out in different directions, away from the main station and hub of the District.

“Tamer, you there!”

The voice caused Valeri to whirl around. She looked up at the Franken Trailmon.

“Hey, yeah, I’m talking to you!”

“What is it?”

“I can’t go in any further due to damage to the tracks ahead, if you can, try to get as many Digimon into the carts behind me, I can run backwards to take them to safety.”

Valeri nodded and took off at a dead run to catch up to Michael and the others, Beelzemon close behind.

Michael and Nicoli were already rounding up any Digimon that came their way.

“Michael, the Trailmon said to hurry the Digimon into its carts, it will see them away from here.”

The darker haired male nodded. “The others are out trying to stop the fires from spreading. One of the locals said that a large tank nearby is full of oil.”

“What should we do?”

“Help gather up any stragglers. With such a big population here, some are bound to be left behind. Just be careful.”

Beelzemon grabbed on to his Tamer’s shoulder as she made to leave. “No way, you stay here with them. I’ll go check around.”

She took a step back. “It will be better if we both go. I have my D-Arc.” She held up the device as she spoke.

The Mega Viral gave a huff of annoyance. “Fffiiineee…just make sure you stay right by me!”

She took hold of his wrist with her free hand. “I will.”

This took Beelzemon by surprise. He attempted to hide his embarrassment by turning away. “Okay, let’s go.”

All throughout the District, rubble, chunks of broken buildings and other items littered the streets and sidewalks. The air was filled with plumes of smoke, a mixture of the sounds of screams, crackling fire and explosions.

“This place looks awful.”

“Looks like a warzone or somethin’. Keep close, there’s no telling what’s gonna fall.”

Valeri nodded and moved in closer to her Partner.

They made their way carefully through the street, checking around for any straggling Digimon residents.

Not far ahead, Beelzemon spotted a small group of In-Training Digimon standing beside a particularly large chunk of metal. “Look, there’s some In-Training over there.”

“But why are they just standing around?”

“They’re not. It looks like they’re trying to attack that chunk of metal.”

“Hm.” Valeri quickened her pace.

The closer they became, the better they could see that the Mega had been correct; identified as Frimon, Kyokyomon, Missimon and DemiVeemon.

The four small Digimon were using their minimal abilities to attack the metal.

“They’re way too weak to do anything to that, it’s a Digizoid metal.”

“Beelzemon, look! There’s something trapped under there!”


A turquoise furred Digimon sporting a facial mask adorned with a flame design was sticking out from under the metal, seemingly unconscious.

When the pair neared, the small In-Training surrounded the Flamedramon protectively.

Valeri held up her D-Arc. “We’re friends, we just want to help.”

“Helps?” the little turquoise-furred DemiVeemon squeaked questionably.

She nodded.

It pointed to the unconscious Digimon with a nubby paw. “Helps bruvver get out!” it squeaked urgently.

Valeri looked to her Partner. “Do you think we can get him out?”

Beelzemon cracked his knuckles. “It won’t be easy. I can do it, if you can help pull him out.”

“Should I go get Michael or Nicoli?”

“No, it’ll waste more time. If we’re gonna do it, we’ve got to right now,” He cast a quick glance around. “There’s enemies nearby.”

Valeri moved closer to the unconscious Digimon and knelt down. She carefully placed a hand on its snout.

The Flamedramon let out a small groan and its eyes fluttered open. “Wh-owwww…Urg. Who…wait,” Its eyes grew wide as a realization struck. “No! You have to get the In-Training out of here, now!”

“Bruvver, can’t leaves you!” The DemiVeemon hugged the facial mask of the Flamedramon.

“It’s too dangerous!”

The other In-Training made noises of disagreement.

“It seems they don’t want to leave without you.”

Beelzemon knelt down, feeling around for a place to dig his claws into. Upon finding one, he braced himself for the upcoming strain. “All righty, big guy. Let’s get this going.”

“No, please. Just leave me. Take them and run. The building this came from is unstable, it could fall any minute.”

The DemiVeemon let out a loud wail and clung harder to the helmet, pressing its face against the metal.

The other In-Training joined in, making loud distressing noises.

“You aren’t helping, pipsqueaks!” Beelzemon snarled.

Valeri shot him a warning glare before turning a sympathetic look to the In-Training. She reached out and pet on the DemiVeemon’s head. “Hush, hush now. Crying won’t help your brother. You’re going to attract the big mean bad-guys.”

“Can’t leaves bruvver…”

“We won’t leave him, it’ll be all right. But the best you can do right now is stay quiet or-”

“Giga Destroyer II!”

Valeri turned in time to see a missile fly overhead, directly into the building beside them.

The explosion was deafening. It tore through the wall that was still intact, crumbling it into pieces.

Valeri quickly snatched up the DemiVeemon, pressing it protectively to her, and huddled the other In-Training to her.

Beelzemon hurried to protect Valeri and the other Digimon the best that he was able; his back took the brunt of the smaller debris.

“Above you!”

Beelzemon looked up.

A larger chunk of metal was hurtling towards them.

“Dammit.” He braced himself and held up his hands in an attempt to catch it. The Viral grunted as he caught the metal. It sent a jarring pain rocketing down his arms and throughout the rest of his body. He had to move his hands to let it rest against his shoulders, where he could brace it better.


“I’m…fine. This damn thing is heavy.” he managed to say through labored breaths.

“Oh, thank goodness…”

“C’mon, move!”

“R-right!” Valeri ushered the other In-Training out from under the chunk’s reach and made to move herself.

The In-Trainings’ squeals of fear made the pair look up.

“Great!” The Viral hissed in anger at the sight of a large android dinosaur-like Digimon.

“Oh, no, MetalTyrannomon.” Flamedramon struggled against the metal that pinned it.

“Val, get ‘em outta here, now!”

“But you-”

“Get going!”


Flamedramon raised one of its armored hands. An aura of fire surrounded it. “It’ll be okay, Demi. Just get them out of here!”


Flamedramon pointed the flames at the approaching MetalTyrannomon. “Fire Rocket!”

With extreme accuracy, the fire hurtled into the MetalTyrannomon’s chestplate.

To the group’s dismay, the android Digimon was unphased.

Valeri turned to her Partner. “Can you throw that at it?”

Beelzemon shook his head. “It’s too heavy!”

“There’s no way we can run and escape it, it’s too close.”

“Have to stop the bad-guy, save bruvver and fwiends!” DemiVeemon hopped out of Valeri’s arms to stand its ground against the Ultimate android Digimon.

“No, come back, Demi!” Flamedramon called out, scrabbling at the ground in a desperate attempt to stop its brother. “Come back!”

The Frimon mewed in fear, the frill around its head lowering over the top of its furry body.

The other In-Training crowded around Valeri’s legs, stopping her from going after their friend.

Valeri attempted to step over the Kyokyomon as its main body was lower but it had slowly floated upwards, making it nearly impossible. “Guys, guys, get out of the way!”

“Stay ‘way from scary-thing!” Kyokyomon squeaked.

“But what about…”

MetalTyrannomon stopped just short of the tiny blue-furred Digimon.

DemiVeemon took a few steps back before rushing forward to ram its head into the other Digimon’s foot. It rebounded off MetalTyrannomon’s toe and fell upon its back, its small feet flailing in the air. “Urg.”

The Digimon emitted a noise akin to laughter and lifted its foot up.


DemiVeemon covered its face with its tiny paws.

“Oh no you don’t, you big piece of junk!”

A large red blur bounded in, slamming into the MetalTyrannomon’s side and sending it flying in the opposite direction.

Coming to a stop, the blur revealed itself to be a large red dragon-like Digimon with a human on its back.

Valeri realized at once who it was. “Doru!”

As the Dorugreymon neared, the human, a male in his late teens with dark chestnut curls and a deep complexion, waved at the group. “Val!”

“Jered, hi.”

“Hello, Valeri, it’s great to see you again. Though the circumstances could have been less dire.” as Dorugreymon spoke, he lowered his neck so his face was more level with Valeri.

She threw her arms around the top of his snout, avoiding the curving blade between his nostrils. “I’m so happy to see you!”

A loud rumbling purr came from the large Digimon. “As I am to see you! But shouldn’t we be going? It’s dangerous here.”

“Yes, yes. You’re right. Could you help Beelzemon?”

“Most certainly.”

“Lemme off first, Doru.”

Dorugreymon leaned his body forwards, putting his front legs into a kneeling position to allow his Tamer to slide off from his back.

Jered stooped down to help DemiVeemon back onto its feet. “There we go, little guy.”

“Thankies, Je-Je!” it squeaked before hopping back towards Flamedramon.

“Je-Je and Dor-Dor saves us!” Frimon meowed happily, waving its long tail around in the air like a happy kitten.

The other two voiced their agreement and moved to crowd around Jered.

Valeri turned to watch Dorugreymon as he looked over the predicament of the pair of trapped Digimon.

“Hm. This part is going to be easy…Flamedramon’s won’t be as easy.”

“Any chance you could speed this up?”

“Indeed.” The large red dragon Digimon whirled quickly, lashing at the metal with his tail.

It made clean contact with the middle, sending it hurtling off into the distance.

Relieved of his burden, the Mega Viral collapsed.

Valeri rushed to his side. “Are you all right?”

“Yeah, fine.” He placed a hand on his bandaged stomach.

Valeri’s eyes trailed down. She gasped audibly when she realized that the bandages were tinged with blotches of pink. “Oh, no. You tore open your wounds.”

Beelzemon shook his head. “I’m fine.” He carefully got to his feet, Valeri rising with him.

Dorugreymon turned to Flamedramon. “All right, now for you.”

“Get bruvver out?” DemiVeemon asked, hope radiating from its tiny voice.



“So how you figure we’re gonna do this?”

“Do you wish to give me assistance?”

Beelzemon shrugged. “Might as well, I’d already started on it before we were interrupted.”

Dorugreymon nodded. “As you wish. Please don’t strain yourself further. I’m not entirely sure if we can lift this, as I don’t have actual hands and arms.”

“I can lift it up, not much though.”

“Hm. This is Digizoid metal, so I don’t think my attacks will bother it much.”

“But the MetalTyrannomon’s rocket broke it.”

“That may be so, but that is because its weapons were created specifically to deal with it. The Viral lord who resides nearby has been attacking the District to try to confiscate parts from it for some time. So they have re-designed their androids to be able to cause destruction to the Digizoid buildings.”

“They’re causing a lot of issues,” Jered said in agreement. “We just happened to be coming in for a quick stop when the attack happened…speaking of that. Valeri, what are you doing here? I really thought I’d never see you again!”

“Oh, um. Well…” A small blush flushed her face. “I just wanted to get away for awhile. All I remembered of the Digital World was this place. So I asked Beelzemon to bring me here.”

“So who is this Beelzemon?” Jered pulled his D-Arc from his side pocket and examined the holographic image and information it showed. “Hm. Virus attribute. Mega level. I’m rather surprised to see a Mega.”

Beelzemon shot the curly-haired teenager a look of annoyance. “Hey, I worked really hard on getting this far.”

“So who are you, exactly? I know you don’t live here.”

“Sure don’t.”

“He’s my Partner.” Valeri said with a small smile.

Jered’s hazel eyes lit up. “You, a Tamer? That’s so awesome! How did he get to Mega?”

The group looked around in surprise when they felt the ground rumble beneath them.

Jered grasped onto Valeri’s wrist. “We need to leave!”

“We can’t, what about Flamedramon?”

“Val, the Digis can take care of themselves-”

An amplified, crackling voice spoke out suddenly. “Found you, you little meat-bags!”

The In-Training Digimon screamed in fear and hurried to stand by Dorugreymon as a large, fully android Digimon appeared from behind a nearby building, flanked by a pair Digimon that looked similar to mechs, with long metal arms and a blue cockpit on the top of their heads.

 “Oh shit, oh shit, ohhhh no!” Jered pulled Valeri closer, hugging her to him in his panic.

Valeri pushed on his chest. “J-Jered, let go!”

“Valeri, we can’t stay here, that’s Machinedramon! You don’t even understand, he’s way stronger than we are right now!”

Beelzemon gestured to Dorugreymon. “What, can’t Digivolve Doru here to Mega?”

“No, I’ve never been able to.”

“Huh, welp...we’re in a bit of a pickle, then. Even as a Mega, I’m still weak from a certain psycho woman’s idea to delete me.”

“Serena just thought you were a threat.”

“Like hell I was! She tried to kill me for nothing!”

Dorugreymon slammed his tail on the ground, causing the rest to look his way. “Fighting and fussing over things right now is not going to help us. We need to get moving now before Machinedramon decides to attack.”

“Bruvver, must helps him, too!”

“Dammit, fine, we’ll make this super quick. Just grab ‘im when I get it far enough up.” Beelzemon swiftly moved into position before the others could argue.

Dorugreymon lowered his neck. He took the exposed portion of Flamedramon’s torso in his jaws as gently as he was able.

While the Mega Viral worked on lifting the large chunk of metal, Valeri and Jered kept watch on Machinedramon.

For some strange reason, the large android Digimon was not advancing. Rather, it seemed to be observing them.

“What is Machinedramon doing?”

“Waiting for a good time to strike,” Jered replied solemnly. “Machinedramon does not have any sympathy or the like. He takes great pride in causing destruction. I’m guessing he’s going to wait until Flamedramon is free before burying us all.”

“That sounds so awful! What should we do?”

“Nothing to do but wait.”

The In-Training were cheering on the Viral as he put in every effort to raise the object.

It took several moments more before Dorugreymon was pulling on the Flamedramon’s body, inching it out from the trap.

The little DemiVeemon was bobbing on the tips of its feet, clapping happily.

Jered turned to his Partner. “Dor! Get that Flamedramon up quick! We need to flee right now. Machinedramon will attack as soon as he realizes the Armored one is free.”

“What of the others?” Dorugreymon said around the armor in his mouth.

“I’ll get them bunched up and me and Val can carry the ones that won’t be that fast.” He turned to Valeri.

“Uhm, which should we get?”

“The Frimon and DemiVeemon. Perhaps the Kyokyomon. They tend to not fly quickly. But the Missimon can get itself out of harm’s way quite easily. You just stayed to be with your friends, didn’t you?”

The Missimon’s body bobbed up and down slightly in agreement to the question.

“Flamedramon will be free in a few moments. You need to leave. Your friends will be close behind with us.” Jered stooped and picked up DemiVeemon as he spoke to the small machine-type In-Training.

The Frimon made its way to Valeri and rubbed its furry cheek on her leg. “Mrr.”

She carefully lifted the yellow ball of fluff and situated it in her arms, readjusting its long tail so it was not in her face.

The Frimon made a happy chirping noise and snapped at its tail as it moved.

“I can goes with Missimon.” Kyokyomon said with a nod of its head. Using its arms and feet, it made its way through the air towards its friend.

“Just be careful. There’s a gathering at the south side of the District. Several Trailmon are there to take the Digimon to the nearby Forge.”

After giving acknowledgement, the pair of In-Training took off in the direction indicated.

With a quick twist of his neck, Dorugreymon pulled Flamedramon free. In the same movement, he placed the injured Digimon upon his back.

The metal fell with a crash as Beelzemon released it.

The Mega Viral, fully spent, collapsed against the object.

“Beelzemon!” Valeri rushed to her Partner’s side. “Beelzemon, are you all right?” A quick once-over revealed he was unconscious. “Oh, no. He over did himself. He’s out cold. Doru!”

“Yes, yes, one moment.” Dorugreymon carefully took the Viral by his torso and made to set him on his back next to the Flamedramon.

She patted his leg. “Thank you, Doru.”

“Most certainly, Valeri. Are we sure that the pair of you will run on foot? I can most certainly try to carry everyone else. I’m not that small.”

“If you’ve room, I suppose it’s fine, whatever is fastest. I think Machinedramon’s coming.”

Dorugreymon lowered himself, bringing around his tail to act as a step up.

“Val, you go up first.”

Valeri stepped up onto the twisted tail. She placed Frimon onto Dorugreymon’s back before climbing up after it. Once safely adjusted, she pulled the legless Digimon onto her lap.

Jered quickly followed suit.

DemiVeemon clamored out of the human’s arms to jump onto the Flamedramon’s leg. It patted at the metal mask on the other’s face. “Bruvver, I’s happy you safe.”

Flamedramon wrapped its arm about the smaller Digimon. “I really wish you would listen to me more often, Demi. But I’m glad you’re safe as well. Thank you all for helping us.”

“Don’t mention it, Flamedramon. There’s no way we’d leave any fellows behind.”

Flamedramon gave a nod in Jered’s direction. “Jered, your timing was impeccable. Had you and Dorugreymon not shown up when you did, we would be all the worse off.”

Jered laughed and waved his hand dismissively. “It’s really no problem. Not for all the things you guys have done for us in the past.”

Dorugreymon started off at a quick trot in the direction the Trailmon were located while the small group talked.

Valeri took the opportunity to give her Partner another once-over. The bandages were completely soaked through with scarlet, some areas were changing to a deeper color as it dried. “Crap…he really tore them open again.”

“What’s the matter, Val?”

“Beelzemon tore open his wounds again, he’s bled through his bandages.”

“‘Again?’ Oh yes, he mentioned something earlier.”

“Yes…Serena, one of the Tamers from my new town, had attacked him about a week ago. At the time we weren’t Partnered, so she saw him as a threat.”

“That really sucks. So he was a Mega before you were Partnered? Hm…was hoping you had helped him do it, so you could tell me.”

“No, sorry, Jered.”

“Giga Cannon!”

Several large orbs flew overhead, slamming into the upcoming buildings.

“Oh, no!”

 Dorugreymon tried his best to dodge the crumbling buildings as they were continually assaulted by more orbs.

The pair of mecha-like Digimon were quickly gaining ground on the running Dorugreymon.

“We’re going to be surrounded!”

“Dor, can’t you go any faster?”

The dragon-like Digimon snorted. “Oh, yes, just let me turn on’s not as if I’m trying to carry all of you.”

“Sorry, bud, just thought I’d ask.”

“I can try to hold them off.” Flamedramon held up its armored hands, pointing one at each of the Mekanorimon.

“Go bruvver, go! Make those mean ‘ol ‘chines scrap!”

“Fire Rocket!”

Though they looked bulky, the Mekanorimon nimbly dodged the fire thrown at them.

“Useless pieces of scrap!” Flamedramon growled and continued his attempts.

The red optic on one of the Mekanorimon’s chest began to glow.

“Head’s up!”


Before Dorugreymon could react, a laser shot from the mecha android Digimon’s optic and made contact with his flank.

This sent the dragon-type Digimon sprawling, throwing his passengers off onto a broken sidewalk.

Valeri lost her hold of the Frimon, who managed to roll away. She moved on her hands and knees to the fallen Dorugreymon. “D-Doru, are you okay?” Her hands ran over his flank, noting the small scorch mark from the laser.

Dorugreymon’s eyes opened and he lifted his head slightly. “Y-yes, the blast just injured my leg a little - Val, look out!”

Valeri yelped in surprise as a pair of metal digits closed around her. She wriggled, to no avail.

The Mekanorimon turned to face the other one, allowing Valeri to see that it had hold of Jered.

“Let go of me! Gurh.”

Valeri managed to cast a side glance towards where her Partner had fallen before the mechas started their march away from the area.

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